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Can cats cause asthma in humans?

You love your cat a lot, but you find that every time you cuddle with them, you have a hard time breathing. The fact is that your feline friend may be triggering your asthma. Today, our Fairhaven vets share a few things you can try that may help reduce the frequency of your asthma attacks if you aren't ready to find a new home for your beloved kitty yet.

Allergic Asthma Triggered By Cats

Asthma is a respiratory condition characterized by the narrowing of the airways and the production of extra mucus, which leads to breathing difficulties. 

If you suffer from allergic asthma, your attacks are triggered by exposure to particular allergens in your environment. When it comes to cats, allergic asthma develops when the immune system mistakenly recognizes cat proteins as allergens.

The severity and frequency of asthma attacks can vary greatly from one person to another, but symptoms typically include wheezing, shortness of breath, and coughing.

Allergic Asthma Triggers

Your cat's urine, saliva or dander are all potential triggers for your asthma.

  • Urine - Your cat's urine contains a protein called Felis Domesticus 1 (Fel D1), which can trigger asthma symptoms in some people when inhaled.
  • Saliva - Kitty's saliva also contains Fel D1 as well as another protein called albumin which can be an issue for some people who suffer from asthma. But your cat doesn't have to lick you for you to become exposed. Proteins found in your cat's salvia can stick to their skin while grooming, and can be found on fur or dander, which can be inhaled.
  • Dander - Dander is your pet's dead skin cells, which can be found on furniture and floating in the air, where it can easily be inhaled and cause you to have an asthma attack.

Ways to Reduce Cat-Related Allergens At Home

Unfortunately, if you suffer from asthma, having a cat in your home is going to cause your condition to flare up more frequently than it would if you chose a pet-free lifestyle.

If, however, you are looking for ways to reduce your asthma symptoms without rehoming your cat, taking the asthma medications prescribed by your doctor is going to be step one.

Another essential step to living harmoniously with your feline friend will be to reduce your exposure to cat-related allergens in your home. Below are some tips on how you may be able to reduce asthma causing allergens in your home:

  • Install a HEPA air filter for your home. Air filters can help to reduce allergens and improve the air quality in your home. Keep your cat outside as much as possible when weather permits. Be mindful of very hot, cold, or wet weather, but allow them to enjoy time outside whenever the weather is nice.
  • Wash your hands immediately after petting your cat.
  • Frequent vacuuming can help to reduce the amount of cat hair and dander in your home. Models equipped with a HEPA filter are particularly good at reducing household allergens and may help to reduce the frequency of your asthma attacks. 
  • You can help to significantly reduce dander in your home by bathing your cat regularly. We know that many cats hate water, but introducing bathing to your kitty while they are young, can get them used to the process, and some cats even enjoy it.
  • Keeping your cat out of the bedroom can help to prevent dander and other allergens from interfering with your breathing while you sleep. Never let your cat sleep on your bed, or next to you.
  • Wash your bedding frequently to rid sheets and blankets of any allergens that do make their way into your bedroom.
  • Dust your home frequently with a damp cloth to help trap and remove allergens from furniture and other surfaces.
  • Resist relaxing with your cat on your lap. If you do allow your cat on your lap, be sure to change and wash your clothes frequently to remove problematic allergens.

Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds

If you are longing for a kitty of your own, but suffer from asthma triggered by cats, you may want to consider a hypoallergenic breed.

Although there are no guarantees that these breeds will prevent your asthma attacks, they have been specially bred to produce less of the problematic Fel D1 protein and could be a better choice for you.

Make sure that you spend some time with these cats before committing to owning one. It's best to find out whether these cats trigger your asthma attacks before laying down your hard-earned cash, and becoming attached to a pet you may not be able to keep.  Here are a few hypoallergenic cat breeds you may want to consider:

  • Balinese
  • Javanese
  • Devon Rex
  • Siberian
  • Sphynx
  • Russian Blue
  • Cornish Rex
  • Oriental Shorthair
  • Colorpoint Shorthair
  • LaPerm
  • Bengal
  • Ocicat

The Truth About Owning a Cat if You Have Asthma

The truth of the matter is that even if you love cats, you may not be able to live with one. However, it may be possible to reduce the allergens you are exposed to so that you can continue to enjoy a loving relationship with your feline friend.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding people or pets. Always follow your doctor's advice regarding asthma or other allergy symptoms. 

If your cat requires veterinary care, contact our Fairhaven vets today to book an appointment.

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